Sunday, July 20, 2008

Santa Cruz Family Vacation

Allstar Baseball has finally come to an end! It was a great season, but it is nice to have a little down time. We were finally able to get away for a family vacation. We headed to the Santa Cruz mountains and camped with my mom and dad, my sister, her husband and their children and our friend Linda. Santa Cruz was nice and cool a big difference from the 110 degree weather we were experiencing in Fresno.

The first day we relaxed at the pool, did a little hiking, hung out around the fire and just visited.

Brandon making a raft out of all the fun noodles.

Mackenzie, Michael and Brandon are done swimming.

Everone enjoyed a great game of pool basketball.

The second day was spent all day enjoying the rides on the boardwalk. It was nice that the boys could finally ride almost every ride. We actually got Michael to ride the Double Shot. I am not sure that I have ever heard Michael speachless before. Not a peep came out of his mouth until the ride was complete and he was sure he was alive. Amazingly he agreed to ride the roller coasters afterward. He almost did not ride the Giant Dipper after dad told him to hold on real tight because five people died when they were ejected from the ride last year. I reassured him that dad was pulling his leg, but boy were the pictures they take funny. Nice going dad.

This was one of Brandon's favorite rides. It was a hangliding ride. He rode it six or seven times. It flew around and around in a circle. Not my type of ride.

Here everyone is riding the little kids version of Double Shot. Me, Brandon, Michael, Lisa an Ron.
The other days we went hiking, played on the beach and just relaxed!

Here is the group photo. Daryn, me, dad, Ron Joshua, Lisa, Brandong, Mom, Michael, Cody and Mackenzie. Linda is missing because she is behind the camera.

Michael, Brandon and Mackenzie were climbing trees around the campsites.